Altar servers are trained volunteers who assist the priest throughout the Mass, most importantly during the Eucharistic liturgy. Tasks may include carrying the processional crucifix or candles, carrying the incense and censer, bringing the bread and wine to the priest, bringing the water to the priest for the washing of hands, ringing the bells during the Consecration, and bringing the Missal to the priest for certain prayers. Altar Servers at our parish may be either boys or girls, and even men or women.
If you or your child is interested in becoming an altar server, please contact the parish office. We usually hold a training session once or twice a year, and would be happy to get your child trained to help assist with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Members meet on a regular basis and assist the parish with projects that foster a spirit of Christian charity among the parishioners i.e, make cookie boxes for homebound parishioners at Christmas, send cards to parishioners and/or their families when the need arises; host parish bake sales and organize the parish prayer chain.
Area Catholic parishes work together to provide a Bereavement Ministry and on-going Grief Support Group. If you or anyone you know is grieving the loss of a loved one, our churches want to help support you in this difficult time. Our grief support group usually meets every other month, with dates and times being announced on our website and bulletin. We also offer a Zoom option for the meetings. Meetings are held at St. James Parish in Cooperstown.
About our Facilitator:
Tom Bekkers, MSW, APSW, is an Advanced Practice Social Worker with over 30 years of experience in professional counseling related to patients and family members faced with the challenges of health situations, lifestyle adjustment issues, death, and grief. Tom holds a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
For more than three decades, he worked at St. Vincent Hospital in Green Bay and served as facilitator of the “Understanding Grief” group and “Taking Time” cancer support group. Tom also worked at Unity Hospice as a grief counselor and has co-facilitated grief groups at Unity for family members after the death of a loved one. Tom is currently employed as a social worker with Green Bay Oncology. He is co-author of “The Widower’s Toolbox: Repairing Your Life After Losing Your Spouse” which helps channel men’s grief into constructive tasks and provides tools that will enable bereaved men to recreate lives that can be fulfilling once again.
Tom lives in Denmark, Wisconsin with his wife Patty, and he has two daughters. Tom and Patty are members of the Circle of Faith Catholic Community, belonging to St. James Parish in Cooperstown. Tom may be contacted by phone at 920-660-8066 or by email at [email protected].
The Care Ministry group reaches out to all the people of our parish community to proclaim God’s Word and to minister the Eucharist to those unable to attend Mass. We provide the opportunity for the homebound and those in health care facilities to receive communion on a regular basis.
The All Saints Choir enhances our Masses by leading the congregation in singing beautiful and sacred music. The choir often sings at funerals and other special Masses as well.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest and Deacon (who are the Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion) as the need arises to reverently distribute Holy Communion to the faithful during the Mass. This ministry requires training provided by the Diocese. Once the training is completed, you will be commissioned into this ministry for a set term.
The Finance Council is comprised of members of the parish who provide expertise and consultation through financial analysis, planning and policy development. With the exception of the Trustee-Treasurer, the pastor/parish director appoints members to the Finance Council to staggered terms of three years each with the possibility of one additional term. A person may be appointed again following one year of absence from the council. The council observes that the instruction of both church and civil law is safeguarded, especially the administration of parish goods. Responsibilities include overseeing of financial records, manuscripts, deeds, titles, census information, the creation of the annual budget, payment of all debts/expenditures and collection of revenues as well as monitoring the investment of monies.
Greeters play a very important role befor our weekend Masses, as they are the first people parishioners and visitors see when they enter our church. Greeters will make the first impression on numerous people, so it is important to be welcoming and friendly to everyone. Greeters will be able to answer any initial questions that visitors may have and make sure they know where to go.
The purpose the Home and School Association is to establish an effective partnership between school personnel and parents so that together we can provide a quality Catholic education for children. The specific goals or tasks that engage the Home and School Association are the following:
All parents with children in the school are considered members of the Home and School Association. As members, our participation will make a difference to our children, to the school and to our community.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. This normally consists of reading the Old and New Testament readings and occasionally saying the Responsorial Psalm if there is no choir. Lectors will also read the Universal Prayers and the announcements.
Our volunteer money counters count and sort our weekly collections and donations. This ministry provides a good check and balance to make sure money is handled correctly, and makes our bookkeeper and business manager's jobs easier. Money counters also make up the weekly deposit and take it to the bank.
The purpose of the Parish Pastoral Council is to identify and respond to the spiritual and human needs of our community, and to provide a peaceful, friendly environment for the growth of our faith. The council also will develop and maintain the mission statement to give focus to and provide direction for the works of our parishes. We provide a central base of coordination that will enable better cooperation and communication between the groups and committees of the parishes. We are informed of and work within Green Bay Diocesan policies. Finally, we serve as the primary consultative body of the parishes to the pastor in identifying parish needs and working toward parish goals.
Sacristans prepare the church for Mass, assisting the priest and Deacon in their needs for the day. They open the church beforehand and communicated with the parish office on any special needs for the Mass. After the Mass, they clean the sacred vessels and clean up after the Mass.
The Total Board of Education is comprised of 7 members. Each member serves a three year term with two new members being chosen annually and three being chosen every third year. Of the seven board members, three take on the position of officers, which are selected annually: President, Vice-President and Secretary. The basic consultative function of the Total Board of Education are:
The Total Board of Education does not implement policies, write regulation (a rule to implement a policy), hire/terminate staff, discipline students, develop curriculum or approve instructional material.
Ushers help with important tasks to make sure the Mass runs smoothly. Ushers take up the collection during the offertory, make sure doors are open after Mass, and help with parishioners and visitors as needed.
Our vocations ministry helps to foster an inspiration for vocations. Through events and prayer, we intend to educate people about vocations and inspire them to pursue their vocation.
Our young adult ministry helps to promote an active faith community for young adults of the parish. We put on social events and outings that help our young adults get to know others in the parish and grow closer together as a faith community.